Vanguard Men

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

- Proverbs 27:17

why we exist

We believe that emotionally mature, powerful, compassionate, and purpose-driven men will help heal some of our society’s deepest wounds. We support the powerful brilliance of men and we are willing to look at, and take full responsibility for, the pain we are also capable of creating – and suffering. We care deeply about men, our families, communities, and the planet.

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

- James 5:16

the team

Charles Manual

Charles is 39-year-old from Rockland Mitchells Plain. He was raised and schooled in Manenberg. He is married to Stacey-Lee, and together they have 2 kids, a daughter Deante age 10 and a son Diego age 6. He attends the AFM Portland Church under the leadership of Ps Ralph Jochans and serves as an Elder in the church. His portfolio consists of overseeing their Youth Department and being Secretary of the Social Welfare Department. On a Regional Level, he is the Treasurer of their church’s Regional Social Development Department. He is employed by Golden Arrow Bus Services for the past 12 years. Started as a Company Representative in Disciplinary Inquiries. For the last 3 years, he is the Administration Manager at Philippi Depot. He is a student at Northwest University completing his degree in Theology.

Apostle Jeffrey Riffel

Jeffrey is an ordained apostle in the fivefold ministry since 2005. Left the corporate world in 2015 as a senior data analyst and a senior management information specialist to go full-time into ministry and together with his wife LeeAnne they are the founders and visionaries of various ministries, Shalam Christian Centre (2008), Echad International Ministry (2010) and Daughters of the King (2009). Jeffrey’s passion is to see to the needs of our people more in particular our young people through the provision of social and economic development to excel in their God-given talents. He achieved this by joining the Manenberg People Centre as a board member, later becoming general secretary for 6 years, and currently a consultant to the NGO. They are also directors on IMPACT UP a non-profit company Jeffrey also uses sports, specifically cricket, as a vehicle to take kids off the street. He was the chairman of the working committee of the Standard Bank regional performance centre. He served on Tygerberg Cricket Club executive as Vice Chairman, currently serving as treasurer for the past 3 years. He is an entrepreneur in his downtime by buying and reselling various items. Together with his wife they own a transport company since 2015.

Pastor Nigel Richards

Pastor Nigel with his wife has been instrumental in the advancement of the LOGOS assembly during their younger days. He has a passion and experience in church administration which is much needed in the body of Christ. Pastor Nigel also has a vast experience in Hotel and Security management He is married to Geraldine and together they have 1 son and two daughters with 2 beautiful granddaughters.

Sidney April

Sidney is a prayer warrior and serves as a deacon in his local assembly. His passion is logistics, sports and music He is married to Shahieda and together they have a son, a daughter and a grandson

Pastor Ryan Riffel

Pastor Ryan is an ordained pastor in the fivefold and the senior pastor at Shalam Christian Centre. He is a senior data analyst at a large corporate with a passion for solving complex issues. Pastor Ryan has a passion for youth, sound engineering, music and developing leaders among the youth. Together with his wife Tarryn, they are business owners of T&R Functions and Hiring He is married to Tarryn and together they have a son and a daughter.

Nathan Momsen

Nathan has been working in the ICT sector for over 40 years having worked for large corporations like Telkom, SA Phillips and IBM before launching into his business where he has been at the forefront of developing solutions for large projects. He has been working on major projects for corporates from retail, to mining and insurance and banking sectors but was always drawn to projects in communities where he could serve these communities using technology. He was responsible for developing SmartCape and the systems used in the clinics in the City of Cape Town, and has been involved with many other projects that impact the fields of education, and health care, to name but a few. He is passionate about connecting communities to technology whilst improving their engagement with others. Nathan is also one of the director of IMPACT UP a non-profit company

Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

- 1 Corinthians 16:13 KJV

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© Vanguard Men 2022